Thursday, 18 October 2012

Spelling Correction Feature in SharePoint 2013

Another fabulous fetaure in SharePoint 2013 Search is "Spelling Correction Feature". This function is hosted in the Termstore. If a user enters a word in a search query that appears to be misspelled, the search results page displays query spelling corrections (under a "Did you mean?" text).

for example, if someone enters a query that contains the word "tarus", the query spelling correction would be "taurus". One of the good things here is that you can add terms to the Query Spelling Exclusions and the Query Spelling Inclusions list to influence how query spelling corrections are applied or not.
It takes up to 10 minutes for any changes to the Query Spelling Exclusions or the Query Spelling Inclusions list to take effect.


  1. as per my requirement i need the import the bulk file with in the query spelling inclusion. i tried with importing but it creating a new one as query spelling inclusion1. i want all the term within the query spelling inclusion without creating manually as "create new term". kindly suggest me the idea.
