Saturday, 27 October 2012

SharePoint 2013 Search Authoritative and Non-authoritative Urls

SharePoint 2013 Search has a lot of new Interactive Features like Spelling Correction Feature, "Result Types"  and "Name Suggestions" and one of the new feature that I was Introduced to today was Authoritative and Non-authoritative Urls. This is awesome for our company where we can prioritize the pages and URLs of documents that we would like users to see in order to get to all the links.

With Authoritative and Non-authoritative URls Admins can specify Pages\URLs which they called "Authoritative and non-authoritative URLs" that should be ranked higher or lower in Search results. 
An administrator can add authoritative and non-authoritative pages where they have options to specify "Most authoritative pages","Second-level authoritative pages","Third-level authoritative pages" and "Non-authoritative Sites".

To specify pages as authoritative or non-authoritative

  1. Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is an administrator for the Search service application.
  2. In Central Administration, in the Application Management section, click Manage service applications.
  3. Click the Search service application.
  4. On the Search Administration page, in the Quick Launch, click Authoritative Pages.
  5. On the Specify Authoritative Pages page, in the Most authoritative pages box in the Authoritative Web Pages section, type the URLs of pages that are the most authoritative. Separate the URLs with returns so that there is one URL per line.
  6. In the Second-level authoritative pages box, type the URLs of any pages that should be seen as second-level.
  7. In the Third-level authoritative pages box, type the URLs of any pages that should be seen as third-level.
  8. In the Non-authoritative Sites section, in the Sites to demote box, type the URLs of any sites that you want to be ranked lower than all of the other sites. Type one URL per line.
    All URLs whose prefix matches the prefix of a URL in the Sites to demote box are demoted. Example: Entering http://archive/ demotes the rank of all URLs that begin with http://archive/.
  9. In the Relevance Ranking Analytics section, select the Refresh now check box to run the ranking analytics you have defined or that you have updated.
    If you clear the check box, ranking analytics run later according to a defined schedule.

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