Friday, 2 November 2012

Refiners and Faceted navigation SharePoint 2013

Refiners and Faceted Navigation
Refiners are based on managed properties from the search index. Managed properties represent the specifications of the items in the catalog-enabled library or list — for example, Author, Date, Color, or Product Category. In a catalog scenario, you can add a Refinement Panel Web Part to a category page so that users can narrow the content as they browse through different pages.For example, in an Internet business scenario in which a catalog of mobile telephones is displayed, the managed property Color is set as a refiner. When a user views all mobile telephones in the catalog, all available colors are displayed in the Refinement Panel Web Part. When a user clicks a specific color, such as Gray, only mobile telephones with the color Gray are displayed. Similarly, in the scenario in which company events are displayed, the managed property Date is set as a refiner. In the Refinement Panel Web Part, users can see for which dates events are scheduled. When they click a particular date, they refine the results so that only events scheduled to occur on that date appear.

By using faceted navigation, you can configure different refiners for different terms in a term set. For example, in an Internet business scenario in which a product catalog is displayed, you can set the managed property Screen size as refiner for the term Computer, and the managed property Megapixels as refiner for the term Cameras. The faceted navigation guides users to content that is relevant for each specific category, and makes it easier and faster to browse through catalog content.

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