Wednesday, 12 September 2012

SharePoint 2013 - What's Friendly URLs?

New Concept of Friendly URLs has been Introduced.With this you can set URLs without the "/pages/" and even ".aspx".

Please Note - Using managed navigation enables this experience. Managed navigation provides a scheme for friendly URLs that is consistent across site, category, and item pages. Any page, including your site's Welcome Page, can have a friendly URL. Depending on how you configure your site, most pages using managed navigation automatically gets a friendly URL.

 Publishing Pages that have friendly URLs can still be requested using their physical URLs. If not dealt with properly this can lead to content duplication, particularly as in SharePoint 2013 Preview the canonical URL changes alongside and renders the physical URL of the page.

How to Create one?
1. Select “Managed Navigation” in Navigation in Site Settings.
2. Next Create Navigation Items in the Term Store with "Term Store Management Tool”.
3. Create a Term Set, Create Terms to reflect your desired navigation.
4. For each Term (navigation links) that you created, use the tabs at the top to manage “Navigation” and “Term-Driven Pages”.
You can choose between two Navigation Node Types:
-Simple Link or Header
-Term-Driven Page with Friendly URL
5. Next we will set the Friendly URL by moving to the next tab for the term, Term-Driven Pages. There you will find options to change the friendly url as well as setting the target page for the hyperlink.


  1. What do you do when you don't have 'navigation' in the site settings page? What are the requirements to see this and use it? What about representing hierarchy in the friendly urls? Can you give a good example of using term sets and terms?

    1. Do you have the publishing feature turned on? You need that to see navigation in the settings page.

  2. Same problem as above. Do not have the Navigation in site settings. I am on Office 365 2013 version
