Sunday, 18 December 2011

Moving Sharepoint site with workflow tasks

While using stsadm Import\Export or by Content wizard tool to move site collections from one web application to other, one of the things we noticed was that we the workflow tasks created by Out-of-Box approval workflows in a Task list did not move.

We tried various available tools to move the whole site including all the content and the workflow tasks(associated with that content) but the none of them was successful in moving workflow tasks in the task list.

So after a lot of experiments we finaly setteled at moving the site using database attach and deattach. So this is how we did the migration

1. Moved the site collection to a seperate database.
2. Next, de-attach the database from the current webapplication.
3. Once done attach your database to the new webapplication.
4. Verify if all the workflow tasks were moved.

This is the only way that i found to move all the workflow tasks.

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